M.T. is "Winning Enterprise 2020"


M.T. is one of the 12 "Winning Enterprises 2020" recognized as excellence of the Italian production system in the world of SMEs in the Emilia Romagna-Marche area.

Yesterday 29th October 2020, the stage of the "Winning Enterprises 2020" digital tour dedicated to the Romagna-Marche region took place in Bologna.

The "Winning Enterprises" initiative is organized by Banca Intesa San Paolo in cooperation with Bain & Company, Elite, Gambero Rosso, Cerved and Microsoft Italia to identify SMEs excellences.

In particular, the 12 "Winning Enterprises" distinguished themselves for their social impact and the ability to generate value in terms of sustainability, innovation, investments in their human capital, the ability to plan the generational handover, internationalization, relationship with territory and with their production chains.

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