Industry 4 School: the entrepreneurs meet the Emilia Romagna Region group representatives


On March the 5th an Emilia Romagna Region group representatives, Luciana Serri (Productive Activities Committee President ), Mirco Bagnari and Nadia Rossi (Councillors), visited the promoter companies of the Industry 4 School Project (School - Job Project) M.T., Fom Industries and Unviersal Pack.

The initiative arised from the willing of the three companies in cooperation with the local technical schools (Belluzzi - Da Vinci of Rimini, Mattei of Urbino and Gobetti - De Gasperi of Morciano di Romagna) has been greatly appreciated by the Region representatives. They highlighted how the three local entrepreneurs commit themselves find qualified labour in the metalworking sector and have generated a virtuous circle with the schools.

If you want to know more read the article here.

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