From 28th to 30th November 2019 the MECSPE BARI trade show will take place in Bari (Italy).We will be in Hall "Nuovo Padiglione" - Stand E11.

Our exclusive dealer Protec Proyectos Tècnicos y Suministro participates to the Industry tradeshow in Barcelona from 29th till 31st October 2019.Come and visit the Protec Proyectos Tècnicos y Suministro's stand to see M.T. products, Hall 3 - Stand C20.

Les objectifs du projet sont d'augmenter le nombre de clients potentiels et de renforcer l'image de l'entreprise à travers les participations à des salons internationaux. Le projet est intitulé "Salons comme moyen de pénétration du marché étranger".Le projet est cofinancé par le Fonds européen de développement régional.

The article published in the October issue of the magazine Tecn'è entitled "Aim for Perfection" is dedicated to the new products presented by M.T in World Premiere at the Emo Hannover 2019 tradeshow.

From 14th till 16th October 2019 the Open House of the machine tools dealer HB TURN-KEY took place in Immendingen (Germany) the Open House of the machine tools dealer HB TURN-KEY.The CMZ machines shown were equipped with M.T. products. We thank our German exclusive dealer Werner Wilke,...

The M.T. display area at the OVERMACH Open House which is helding in Parma from 15th till 19th October 2019.Visit us from 9:00 am till 9:00 pm at OVERMACH, Via Giuseppe Righi 12 - 43122 Parma (Italy).

Thanks to our exclusive dealer for the United Kingdom, Machine Tool Supplies, the M.T. products are displayed at the DMG MORI Open House in Coventry (United Kingdom) from 15th till 18th October 2019.Among the products shown the MT-TPS Touch Probe Shield presented in word premiere during the Emo Hannover 2019...

From 17th till 19th October 2019 the OttoMacchine Open House will be held from 10:00 am till 7:00 pm.M.T. will be there with its products.