Our Sweden dealer MG-Verktyg AB participates at DMG MORI Tech Days. From November 22 to 24, 2023 in Västra Frölunda (Sweden) DMG MORI displays its machines, automation solutions, tools and accessories. Thanks to MG-Verktyg you can find also MT toolholders and a staff ready to answer...

Among the distinctive features of MT there is the latest generation of machines of the highest level able to guarantee the high quality and precision standards that distinguish its products always. To further expand its production capacity, during 2023 MT set up a project for the purchase of Industry 4.0 machinery for its...

The Driven Broaching Toolholder, the latest MT product, was displayed at the MetalMadrid 2023 tradeshow held on 15 and 16 November in Madrid. At their stand 8G06, our exclusive dealer for Spain and Portugal Protec Proyectos Tècnicos y Suministros showed in addition to the new product, the...

MT participates in the DMG MORI Taiwan's Open House in Taichung from October 25 to 27, 2023. Not only a selection of our products displayed, but also a presentation in which Eng. Enrico D'Alonzo, Sales and Marketing Director of MT with Deyita Technology Co. Ltd, our dealer for Taiwan,...

Our Chinese dealer Woken Trading Co. Ltd took part in the event held at DMG MORI Shanghai office on October 20th, 2023 as a partner of the DMG MORI China Green Alliance.They equipped some DMG MORI machines with MT toolhoders, such as driven gear hobber, static...

You can find MT toolholder at our dealer Houliaras' stand at Metal Machinery tradeshow, in Athens, from 19 to 22 October 2023.

MT products are displayed at Anysma Hellas' stand at Metal Machinery tradeshow, taking place in Athens from 19 to 22 October 2023.

"Innovation, service and Made in Italy, as well as vision and planning skills drive the growth of a company, especially if there is passion and sharing" it is a perfect synthesis of the MT reality. The driving values of MT, its history, its distinctive features and the...